Last night was our final evening. We made hot dogs and nachos for all the kids. They all thought it was awesome! We even planned on roasting smores over a campfire, but it started pouring rain as soon as it was time. We took one final group picture, and happily played for the rest of the eve ning.
Before bedtime, Guillermo gathered everyone together in the kitchen for one last meeting. H e wanted to let everyone know how much he appreciated all the work and support we've been able to give. He also said that he knew we would go back home and tell our family and friends about our experiences here, and that they would be inspired to help through our enthusiasm. He said that the support of the volunteers is what helps the m keep going each day. He then asked if some of the volunteers would say a few words about the experiences they've had. I offered to speak first and I asked Mari yah to translate for me. I told them I loved them I didn't exactly know why I was here, because I've never done anything like this before. I felt lead by the spirit to help, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the experience. I was nervous when I
arrived, b ut I was welcomed with su ch friendship and love. I told each of the children that I love them, and that being a part of their lives has deeply affected me, and changed who I am. I told them I will never forget the m, and I will continue to be a part of their lives.
It was a very emotional meeting, and everyone held it together until Ken spoke. He is an incredible guy, and showed such love for both volunteers and children. By the time he finished, not o nly were the adults all in were all the children. Some of the kids wanted to say something to all of us....but could not get any words out b ecause they were crying so hard. The genuine sadness of the children literally broke my heart.
After the meeting was
over I hugged Alejandra, and we cried for a few minutes. T hen Abigail, Mayerlli , Jennifer, and Deanna all hu gged me at the same time and were sobbing, telling me they loved me, and asking me not to forget them. I was especially surprised to see Abigail showing such emotion. She is so emotionall y closed off from everyone, and I d idn't think we had really connected. Wh at I learned was that we connected, but she attac hes herself to others in a different way. She doesn't verbally communicate with me, but she watches, sees, and feels everything. All I could do was tell them over and over "I love You" while we hugged and cried. We lef t the house at 4:00 am to m ake it to the airport on time. It's going to be an extremely long flight, and I'm dreading it a lready. I can't believe I'm going to be home in my own bed tonight. I miss the kids already, and I'm
worried I'll never see them again. How am I going to make this experience s omethi ng more than just another event in a scrapbook? I must ponder this week extensively over the next coup le days. 
Sadly, the car
go box never
arrived. It was finally released on Thursday fro m the port, but not in time for us. Friday is a capitol holiday, and Saturday and Sunday they are closed.'s being del ivered on Monday. I'm so sad I wasn't able to help receive it, b ut regardless it's going to help them tremend ously. I hope I can communicate to eve ryone w ho helped donate items and supplies h ow appreciated a nd desperately needed t hey are. The beds a nd sheets we slept on w ere horrible! We had NO extra sh eets, pillow, or blankets. We were especially pa ranoid with the lice incident....but there wasn't anything we co uld do about it. The toilet paper was basically sand paper, and the towels never felt clean. Everyo ne is so excited for the supplies to arrive becaus e everything is in shortage there. Most importantly....NONE of the volunteers got lice. Go Marta and Mandy!!!!I'm on the plane finally, heading to Miami. I won't arrive home until about 10 pm. All I want to do it sleep. Kevin is still feeling terrible and probably will need to see a doctor when he gets home. I'm so grateful for the chance to travel with him and get to know him better. His heart is huge, and he makes so many sacrifices. He is changing the lives of these kids, and helping to provide them a life full of opportunity. I can't believe it's over.......
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