Guillermo and Mandy are currently managing, directing and running the orphanage 100% on their own. If you would like to contact them for any reason their contact information is. Niños de Guatemala hogar 03 avenida 05-68 zona 1 Quintas los Aposentos Chimaltenango, Guatemala 7839-2060.
We have transitioned away from the day to day involvement with the orphanage, still I am confident that the children are being cared for and are certainly much better off than so many others that are much less fortunate.
Also, we have been asked to help another organization with a most urgent need. Semillas de amour is a new orphanage under construction in the mountains near lake Atitlan. They have purchased property and erected a perimeter wall and the main building has been constructed with others in progress. They expect to have authorization to begin receiving children soon. We have already donated bunk beds, furniture and much needed supplies. We anticipate helping with future construction projects there. They have also initiated a community outreach program to help new mothers and infants who are unable to nurse, mostly because of malnutrition. When these mothers can’t produce breast milk the infants will die because of the lack of availability of formula.
We have been asked to help provide the necessary formula and have begun to do so. We would like to be able to continue to make a difference in this impoverished community. They are also currently providing lunch at the local school twice per week as most of the children do not live close and subsequently go without. It would be great to be able to help provide lunch every school day.
Now with our ability to help various organizations, when you help with donations I would like to ask you to please let us know where you would like your donation to go specifically. We feel a great responsibility to use your money to benefit the children of Guatemala exactly how you would like to. You can indicate which of the three projects you’d like to support.
Niños de Guatemala Hogar orphanage.
Semillas de amor orphanage.
Malnutrition community outreach program.
If you would like for us to determine where it is most needed you can indicate that or simply not specify and that is what we will do.
Again, thank you so much for your financial support. You are making a difference on the front lines where it is needed most.
Ken Mangum
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